Sunday, 31 March 2013

A Wedding

Saturday 30 March

I woke up around 7.30am. Today is the day our neice, C, is getting married to H.

I remembered that I needed to wash Miss L's dress..the one we bought the other day and she'd worn. She chose a dress that she can wear afterwards as well, for everyday, rather than one that would hang in the wardrobe till the next "occaision". I mainly wanted to wash out the dressing that is in all new garments so I popped the dress in a bucket with some of the laundry detergent I use.

We've been using this one for a few years now. It is a little more espensive but better for the environment and also gentler on the skin. After I'd been using it for a while I went back to an ordinary laundry powder. J.L came out with a skin rash and I didn't connect the dots until the dance teacher at the time asked my older daughter if I'd changed laundry powders recently. I changed back to the Eco Store powder and the rash disappeared. That was enough for me. We'd been to the doctor and been given a big pot of hydrocortisone cream for J.L ...but I'd rather pay a bit more for the powder than have to cover him in cream.

The dress only needed 10 minutes then I put it in the washing machine for a spin before I hung it outside. Then I finished updating my blog. Not so good when you get a few days behind as it can take ages to catch up. Well, it took me ages anyway.

I got a text form DIL A asking when I'd be arriving to pick them up. J.R. and A don't have a car yet but will be getting one soon, and A doesn't drive. J.R. wasn't able to take time off work so A and Little O were travelling to the wedding with us. I arranged to be there as close to 1.45pm as I could.

DH had woken Miss L up and got her organised to go and buy some Easter eggs for tomorrow. We don't make a big fuss about the eggs as the important part for us is the message of Christ rising from his grave...not the easter bunny. However we have always given a token gesture to the children.

Once I'd finished blogging I quickly hopped into the shower. Partway through DH came and told me "Your sister's here and she needs the bathroom!" Had forgotten she was calling in with some things out of Mum's old glory box! We arranged it last weekend and for her to come before she went to Dad's for lunch then on to see Mum in the rest home.

I could hear a lot of laughter coming from the lounge and wondered what it was all about. Turns out it was over the designs of some of the things as they date from quite a long time ago!

It looks as though there is some nice stuff in there. So I'll sort through it, let the kids go through and take what they want and then donate the rest.

Dad, Mr P, is sorting through the house as the plan is for him to move in here soon. He is finding the house and grounds a bit much these days and doesn't want to spend another winter on his own. Though he is still doing well at 86 he is frailer than he used to be. And possibly a bit lonely. He commented recently that mealtimes are the hardest. Mum, Mrs P has been in the rest home 3 1/2 yrs now and Mr P has visited her nearly every day.

Once sis R and nephew R had gone on to Mr P's for lunch I finished getting ready...well mostly ready. Then I popped down to where daughter S works as she was going to do my make-up for me. I can do it, even though I don't wear it very often. My skin doesn't really like it so I tend to only use it now and again, not every day. S did a hair and make-up course when she was 15-16 so on special occaisions such as this one I get her to "do my face" as she does a lovely job.

I popped home for a quick bite to eat then went out to collect A and Little O. They were all ready so it didn't take long to put Little O's car seat in the van and we were off back home to pick up DH, Miss L and daughter C who was coming with us too. I flew inside to put on the shoes I was going to wear plus my jacket.

I made it several years ago with the help of the tutor I see from time to time so it's good to have an "occaision" to wear it to!

We all piled into the van and were off.

 The photo above is of the venue which is the Old Museum Building. The ceremony was held in the entry auditorium. It was a lovely service with the bride's niece as a very small flower girl, carried by her daddy as she is only 10months old. The bride's sisters were her bridesmaids. There was a live violinist and I really enjoyed listening to her play.

After the ceremony there was time to catch up with relatives while the bridal party was having photos taken. We caught up with our nephew, W, who we haven't seen in many years and met his wife and their small son who is 3months old.

Both of my grandbabies, Little O and Master D, were very well behaved babies. Everyone thought they were just delightful :) They enjoyed exploring The Great Hall which is in this photo below. The floor was bare though, no flowers today! There was a red carpet though :)

They crawled to either end and up the steps. I taught Little O to go down the steps and after a short time she was going up and down the two steps between the entryway, just to the left of the photo, and The Great Hall as though she'd been doing it for ages  :)  Master D has learnt how to get down off sofas and beds so was ok on a couple of stairs.

The reception was held in one of the smaller rooms, The Tea Garden. It was a lovely venue with beautiful table settings. There was a DJ and later in the evening a photo booth. There was also a fingerprint memory painting. This was a painting of a tree that you could put your fingerprint on. The brides younger sister, S, was the artist and it was a lovely painting. A talent I didn't know she has.

We enjoyed a buffet style meal and as our niece C, the bride, also has to have a GF diet there was plenty of GF food on offer. The wedding cake was a GF chocolate cake too :)

T, B and Master D headed off around 8pm as Master D had reached the end of his tether. He had been late to bed the night before and was short on sleep having had only a short nap during the day. As they had to go to their home in the Wairarapa it was around an hours drive.

We stayed a little longer socialising, congratulated the beautiful bride and groom and then wended our way home around 9.30pm. Little O had done very well, in part because she had a short nap at the beginning of the reception :)

Our children were delighted as we left the building to go out the old wooden and glass revolving doors! C and Miss L went all the way around and then out as they don't remember using them before. C may have when she was younger as the museum only went to its new site in 1996...but she may have been too young to remember clearly.

Little O was fine on the trip home, only around 15minutes. We stopped off at our place to drop DH and C off. Hmmm that may have been a mistake as I think Little O thought she was home...when we set off for A and Little O's, which is 10mins away, she protested loudly all the way home! Poor wee lass, she'd reached the end of her patience.

When we got home I could see Miss L was tired, all the people, noise and activity at an event can be tiring. She changed and climbed into our I went with her up to her room to say goodnight as she looked as though she would easily fall asleep in our bed. She's a bit too heavy to carry anymore!

Then it was bed for me as well.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Good Friday - 29 March

This morning when I woke up I lay there thinking. I'd planned to go to our church's combined service, then had the thought that I couldn't leave Miss L on her own...then remembered that she was at a sleepover! So used to having to organise the blessings it's strange to not have to.

I'd woken a little later and it was 8ish so I needed to get moving. I wanted to give myself a pedicure...aka cut the toenails! So I filled the foot spa to soak my feet while I enjoyed my morning coffee and toast...multi-tasking!

I was ready around 8.50am and so headed up to the church. Today's service was a combined one and involved walking a cross around the different churches. We started at our church, NBC, with prayer, a bible reading and a of the guys acting as Judas after the crucifixtion. Then we walked as a group to the Cook Islands Presbytarian Church around the corner. I didn't know there was a church there! 

After being welcomed the sunday school did a short acting out of the bible reading, this time about Peter denying he knew Christ 3 times. They also sang a chorus and then the adults sang a hymn in their traditional Cook Island tongue. A gorgeous treat of harmony singing.

After that it was up to the Roman Catholic church not far away. Here we had a bible reading and a short talk by the priest. We also sang a song/hymn.

Then it was off up the short cut..again something I didn't know existed....that leads out to a street that connects with the main road. We walked down to the Anglican church and had a few skits presented portraying one of the disciples, Mary mother of Jesus and one of the soldiers at the cross. It persoanlised the events surrounding the crucifixion, especially Mary..well, for me anyway.

After closing with a song and hymn we walked across the road to the Newlands Community Centre. As we entered we were handed a sheet and I realised that our church was taking a turn with a song.
Amazing Grace by ChrisTomlin, the version from the movie of the same name.
I haven't watched the movie...but methinks I may get it out tomorrow. Apart from watching it myself I think it would be a good one for J.L. and Miss L to see.

My friend, C, was leading the song with S on his guitar. C always puts everything into her worship..all of the worship folk do. We usually have keyboards, guitar, bass guitar and drums as well at our regular services. The service closed with prayer and then there was morning tea...Hot cross buns and a hot drink.

I enjoyed a couple of buns and then headed on home. Miss L was due to arrive home from the GB sleepover soon after 11am. Older sister, C, who is one of the co-captains was there too and was going to drop her home. She was also going to bring home B, who is the daughter of our senior pastor. J, B's mum, had come up to me and asked how I was getting Miss L home as we were walking to the community centre. I quickly figured out that it would be a help if C brought B as well!

In the end the girls wanted to watch the end of a movie and so B's mum ended up being able to pick her up later.

Miss L arrived home with C, both of them feeling a little tired as they hadn't had much sleep...usual for a sleepover. C really wanted to go home and have a nap but was due for a ride at RDA at 2pm so that wasn't an option. She left and text later asking if her car would be ok as she thought she'd left the handbrake on the whole way to Porirua! I think it must have been only slightly on. DH said it should be ok.

I was updating my blog when I got a text saying that B, T and grandson D were on their way to our place. They are attending the wedding as well and are staying the night at B's dad's place. Before too long they arrived and stayed for a short visit. It's quite lovely to have your grandbaby look delighted to see you, crawl up to you and lift his wee arms to be picked up :) and then snuggle in for cuddles. B, T and D lived here when D was first born so he knows us well and as we see them regularly he doesn't forget us between visits.

After they left I went upstairs to finish the 2nd maxi dress I had begun for S. She is due in around 5 weeks so not long to go now. She is working for another couple of weeks. After "the bump" is born she will be able to wear the dresses with a belt :)  I'd stitched together the wee hat I'd knitted and wanted to deliver the dress and hat to her today as she had a day off from work as the local mall is shut due to Good Friday.

It didn't take long and within the hour I'd finished the dress and by 4.30pm walked down to S & J's..a 10 minute wander. S made a cup of coffee and we enjoyed a chat. J was enjoying some TV in their room. What was the lounge they turned into their room several months ago. As it is upstairs next to the kitchen, bathroom and laundry it will be easier when baby is born. The room they were sleeping in is downstairs, not so much fun if you're a bit tender after birth and have to go up and down stairs any time you need the loo, a drink etc!

I ambled home about 7pm. One of the things we talked about was the video of conception I shared on Facebook. S had watched it and commented that she had seen a similar one. That prompted me to do a search and I found what I think is the original here on youtube.

Miss L watched most of it with me and was pretty horrified when I explained that in some countries they do abortions as late as 8months gestation. This was after she had commented on how the baby looks like a baby...after it doesn't look like an alien anymore!...and just needs to grow. Personally I think the video should be compulsory for all girls and boys from around age 11/12 depending on their emotional and biological maturity of course. Just my opinion.

This is one of the things I so enjoy about Home Education. I am able to discuss all sorts with the children. We are able to roam around, touch on & come back to any subjects we choose to. No-one to tell us we need to discuss every other religion except Christianity...or that I can't explain the facts of life along with the facts of the preciousness of sex in a married relationship. Does this mean my children will follow to the letter our morals, ideals etc? I'm not that naive folks!!! They grow up and make their own decisions & choices. As they should.

And are always loved :)

Miss L had squealed when she saw a "huge as" spider walking across the floor of our bedroom. DH missed it and it ran under my old "glory box" or hope chest...used for storage nowadays. Hmmm I thought, not being too keen myself on spiders. As I was reading my book and getting sleepy I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Eeeek there it was! Much to DH's consternation I leapt out of bed, grabbed a glass jar, snuck up and quickly put it down over the arachnid. Slid an envelpoe under the jar opening and DH very kindly liberated it out the bathroom window :) Once upon a time I wouldn't have been able to even catch it...but I'm braver now haha!

Ah...I was able to settle to sleep knowing it wouldn't crawl up in my bed!

Friday, 29 March 2013

Off to camp

Thursday 28 March

Today is the day they're off to camp. I was up around 6.45am. I would have rather snuggled back down for a while but I knew I had too much to do.  DH made me a cup of coffee. My morning favourite -  Jarrah Vienna Velvet :)

It's my wee morning treat. I'm easily pleased :)

Soon it was time for DH to head off across the city. He has to leave around 7.10am as it takes him till 8.00am to get across the city with the morning traffic. A few years ago he could leave at 7.30am but traffic volumes have increased...or everyone leaves earlier.

T, who is staying with us, appeared soon after. I pointed him in the direction of food and said to eat if he was hungry! It's great when you've known a child most of their life and can treat them almost as if they're your own :) H came out a little later looking very sleepy still, but some toast soon fixed that.

T & H decided it was high time J.L. was up and so went upstairs and promptly woke him up. I think he handled it ok because it was them. Generally he is not so polite if it's me waking him up!

I'd had sometning to eat by then - Weetbix cut in half with butter in the middle :) I used to eat them with milk and sugar but don't like them soggy so have been eating them like that for a while now.

I'd arranged with friends of T & H's parents to pick up a key as they (T & H) needed to get bags for camp from their old address. The family still own the house and are renting it out as they may move back to Wellington in the future. We were going to do that round 9.15am

Since there was a bit of time before then I went upstairs to my sewing haven to keep working on J.L's costume. Nothing like finishing it at the last minute! I got the overlocker re-threaded and got the side seams done. I also woke Miss L up as she needed to get organised as she had physio.

T, H & I jumped in the van but I got J.L. to stay home as Miss L was going to have a shower and isn't old enough to be left on her own. Then it was off to pick up the key and the bags. Up to Newlands to get the key, then on to Grenada Village to get the bags. The boys went in and were only a few minutes. Home again, home again, jiggerty jig!

There was a little window of time so I organised J.L to find the thermal backed bedrolls for the boys, and one for Miss L as she had a sleepover that night.

Then it was out the door again for Miss L and I. The boys were sorted as to what they were doing, and J.L. was going to finish his packing.

Miss L's physio appointment went well...although on reflection I should have e-mailed about her neck. The physio gave her a neck massage that helped with the stiffness. The injury to her neck left her with whiplash type effects. Next week we go again for her achilles.

After physio we headed out to Dressmart. Miss L wanted to find a dress for a niece's wedding we are going to this weekend. We didn't find anything at Dressmart so went on to North City Plaza. After going to about 6 shops...sigh...Miss L found something she liked and that fitted at Cotton On...I think! We went to so many different ones and I'm really not into clothes shopping. Strange woman, I know, but I tend to shop when I need things and get it over and done with as quickly as possible!

We called in at the supermarket to pick up the supplies that J.L. needed for camp. And I'm not talking snacks here. I need to provide all his meals as there isn't a Gluten free option and he would be one sick lad if he ate Gluten for several days. Last Saturday at Master D's first birthday party he mistakenly ate a muffin he thought was GF. It wasn't. After about half an hour he looked pale and tired. He was lucky...he slept all the way home from the Wairarapa.

The camp have said they will refund us $30 as we need to supply his food. Good on them :)

I got a text from T saying that J.L. and he were going down to the mall to get lunch and T's supplies for camp...meaning soft drinks and chippies I think. On the way home we drove past them found out that H had walked up to the New World in Newlands to get some drinks after going to the pool to pick up his pocket knife...but the lad who had it wasn't there as his family's car had broken down.

After a quick bite to eat I went back upstairs to finish the pants for J.L's costume. I only needed to overlock the waist and bottom edges of the pants, make casings and insert elastic so it didn't take too long to do. While I was busy H returned, then T & J.L. and they all spent some time on the Xbox.

T came and said that his girl-friend's dad was home so he was able to go over there...his parent's and her parent's instructions were to the effect that one of her parent's needed to be home if he went over. As he was most likely going to meet us at the church for camp drop-off I got him to load his gear into the van before he went.

The pants were finished and the costume looked pretty good all put together.

J.L. and H loaded their gear into the van and we headed over to the church. Just as we were about to leave I got a text from T "I don't have a pillow" I replied "Oh, just as well we didn't leave yet!" J.L. was on the job though because as I appeared with said pillow J.L. told me T didn't have his! A good mate. I also supplied T & H with a blanket each...H declaring they wouldn't need it! I said "Then you won't have to use it but if you need it you've got it." It can get pretty cold with just a sleeping bag! And you never know who might have left something behind and be glad of it.

After seeing that the all important food bags went on the bus..J.L & another lad who has severe allergies of the life-threatening kind..Miss L and I popped back home to pick up her gear for the sleepover. Plus the airbed pump which C had requested for her airbed.

I dropped off Miss L and had a quick cuddle of a wee babe, the new son of the co-captain of the GB comapny.

I decided to call in and see if J, A and Little O were home as I had text a few times over the week and not heard anything back. They were home and A had lost her phone hence the non-reply. I'd figured something like that had happened. Whilst we were talking I felt around in the chair I was sitting in. I'd already put my hands down each side and then J commented it was the seat A had been sitting in when she mislaid it. I decided to check again this time putting my hand deep down and towards the front...I felt something..carefully delved a bit more and pulled out....the phone!! A couldn't believe it as they'd checked there several times. I was very popular :)

Little O walked across the room in stages... a new feat for her. She did come over to see me but declined to cuddle as she was too busy doing other things :) She'd been playing with my keys and I waited till she got busy before I picked them up. Little O has a determined nature and has decided its fun to throw paddies..and as there was no rush I saw no point in setting her off on a tantrum by taking the keys away.

I wended my way home fully expecting to see DH had arrived home as it was after 7pm. No sign of him so he had to work late. He arrived home not long after. We had some dinner and then I had that Hmmm-what-shall-I do-it's-too-quiet feeling. So used to busyness and things happening. I spent some time on the computer and then settled down to watch Project Runway...snuggled up in bed.

After it was finished I read a bit of my current book. I'm finding it really interesting. It is written by John Kirkby who founded CAP (Christians Against Poverty) in 1996. They help folk who are seriously in debt to pay off their debt and become debt free. They also run a budget course which our church is running in May and I've decided to do it, I may pick up a few ideas.

Before too long I found my eyes were closing so settled down to sleep. It is a rarity for me to be settling down before DH  but this night I was.

Wednesday 27 March

Late yesterday afternoon I heard from a friend who home educates and was going to take J.L on a tramp with herself & her son. The tramp was with  TTC or Tararua Tramping Club. I joined a couple of years ago...I haven't been on any proper tramps yet though. Apart from not being very fit I've been anaemic and it doesn't help, especially with hills...flat is ok, but hills leave me pretty breathless. Unfortunately S, the son, was not feeling well so wouldn't be able to do the tramp. J.L was ok with that as he is in for a full on few days with Easter Camp. I offered to still go and pick up the daughter who was going to spend the day with Miss L.

While I was sitting updating the blog Noah, one of our cats, thought he'd try and help. Eventually he sat on a chair. Briah is our grey cat on the scratching post.

Briah must have seen something interesting on next doors driveway!

When Miss L got up she wasn't feeling too well. She did her DDA work and I could tell she didn't really feel like company so it was my turn to ring and cancel the arrangements for the day. A friend text me asking what I was doing and I replied that I needed to work and later the kids had dance.

DH had made a loaf of GF bread and it came out well. We make it in the breadmaker but sometimes for reasons unknown it doesn't rise well. This one did. :) Miss L and J.L. like it when it's fresh, and it's ok for a day or so toasted. To buy a loaf costs around $8 when it is not on special. They can eat a loaf a day easily between them and it is only half the size of the loaves we make..which totals around $56 just for bread if we were to buy it all the time!

D, the youth group pastor, had asked me to do a small alteration for his costume for camp. The theme for their group was clowns and he was...the ringmaster! He had found a jacket and needed a couple of things done to it. So I set to work to make the changes needed. It went well and I delivered it later in the day. I'll upload it soon to my Alyz Creations blog.

At some stage yesterday I saw a video clip on Facebook showing the nine months from conception till just before birth. I got Miss L to watch it as she is at the age where I think it is important for her to understand how amazing and precious the creation of a life is. J.L. came along while she was watching and so watched it after her. I'll see if I can find the link to share.

Miss L was feeling too grotty to go to her dance class today so later in the afternoon I dropped J.L out to his class. DH picked him up when it was over.

It is Miss L's birthday soon and she wanted to make invitations...right as I was preparing dinner! Since we renovated a few years ago it was easy enough for me to help her with spelling. Our kitchen used to be a separate room. One of the best things we did was to take out the wall between the dining room and kitchen. It opened the whole area up and I can be in the kitchen and still see and communicate with whoever is in the dining room or lounge. Here are Miss L's invitations.

The bits in the middle were filled in and printed. Miss L discovered a couple of things I didn't know about. That you can swivel the boxes or words & where the hearts etc were. I'm still learning my way around publisher so it's good to know these things. I think she did an awesome job :)

After dinner I did some prep for J.L's costume for Easter camp. Here is the jacket we found the other day at Savemart.

And the material I found to go with it, which J.L. approved of :) Nice and colourful!

I had the TV on upsatirs and did the prep with it on in the background until 10.30pm. Then it was time to go and pick up T & H from the airport. Their family moved to Auckland earlier in the year but they wanted to attend Easter camp with their old youth group. They are staying the night with us and then a couple more after camp is finished :) J.L. and T are great mates. It's fascinating listening to them debate. 

I gave them till midnight then sent them all off to bed. DH has to go to work in the morning and I was pretty tired too!  

Thursday, 28 March 2013

A full day

Tuesday 26 March

I got up a little later today..round 7ish. I did the business admin I needed to which is mainly checking the bank balances and invoices.

I put on a load of washing and got it hung out. It was lovely hearing a tui sing while I was hanging out the washing. You can see a picture of one here and hear their song here. I put on another load and then noticed it had gone darker...looked out the window and there were dark grey clouds rolling in from the south. I dedcided not to put the sheets out as we had to go out soon and it looked like rain. 

I got J.L and Miss L organised as we had to go down to an appointment with the asthma nurse at the local medical centre. J.L developed asthma almost a couple of years ago and recently had an asthma attack needing to go to after hours in the middle of the night. Miss L only developed it last year. J.L was due for a yearly check with the asthma nurse and I asked if she could review Miss L as well. Main because at after hours we were handed an inhaler and that was about it.

J.L. is on a preventer, Flixotide, as well as Ventolin when he needs it..mainly before sports..i.e. dance and running. Miss L only needs ventolin before dance or other sporty type things as hers seems to be mainly exercise induced asthma, although we were warned it may flare up if she gets a virus. Hmmm it may well behoove me to keep a note book for each of them so I don't confuse who has flare ups when! They're both using their inhalers and spacers correctly, J.L's peak flow was good...but Miss L needs to practise as she doesn't quite have the technique right! They were both given prescriptions which we dropped off at the pharmacy next door to the med centre and will pick up tomorrow. I also had to quickly summarise home-education for the nurse that was sitting in on the consultation. It's not easy to do as there is so much I could say!

After that it was off to do a few things on the list. We went through the drive through as it was 12noon...Fries as they are GF and frozen cokes for J.L and Miss L. I just had some fries as my tummy was complaining...I'd forgotten to eat any brekky!

Our first stop was to Savemart a large secondhand shop in Waitangirua, Porirua. J.L. needed some things for his costume for Easter Camp. We found a cool as colourful jacket. I also found a Line 7 jacket for $24 and later got a waterproofing spray to re-coat it from Pack n Pedal in Porirua Megacentre.

Then it was on to Pete's Emporium...which stocks all sorts of things. I found a piece of fabric to make some baggy pants...which saved a trip to Spotlight! Also we purchased a nose & bow tie. I got some webbing to replace the strap of my bag which S's puppy chewed some time ago! Miss L was delighted to find some clay tools to use with her DDA work.

Then it was on to The Warehouse as J.L needed shoes, thermals and a couple of tee-shirts for camp. We managed to find everything we needed then it was home again.

Miss L did her DDA work and then not long after it was time to head out to the dance studio. Both Miss L and J.L. have classes on a Tuesday. Miss L usually goes to Hip Hop after her ballet class but her neck was feeling pretty tender so we came home. DH picks J.L. up later after his class.

I dedcided to go up the back and see how J.L's science experiment was doing...pretty amazing, after 14 days it was well eaten out. I took some photos but they're a bit gross so I won't put them up here :)

The chickens were looking for food as they always are so I got them some pellets. DH had commented there was a tomato that had self-seeded. It's doing quite well. 

It looks as though it is a cherry tomato, hopefully it will grow a few tomatoes though it's pretty late in the season. This is the only way we can grow tomatoes, in the greenhouse, as otherwise they get blown over by the strong winds.

After some dinner I went to pick up my brother, M, who has come down from Auckland for around 10 days. My dad, Mr P, doesn't like to drive in the dark so much anymore. I had a cuppa and a chat when I dropped M off and got home around 9.30pm

When I got home I took this photo of the moon. I don't have the best camera for this kind of shot but it was so clear and gorgeous!

Then it was time to get Miss L settled to bed and not long after J.L. I managed to finish reading the handbook about Miss L's DDA work before I snuggled down to sleep.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Relaxed Day

Monday 25 March

The rest of the day panned out ok. It took me a while to update my Alyz Creations blog. Mainly as I had quite a few photos I wanted to load. They were in several different folders, plus I wanted to edit a lot of a bit of going backwards and forwards between folders. Eventually I got it done which was great as it was early March when I last posted anything.

Miss L and J.L did get a little cranky...probably because I got a bit short with them. J.L enjoys spending time on the computer and can be on it for an age in the evenings, I don't usually spend several hours on it though yesterday I did. As we only have one computer in the house it can create tension sometimes! Still in the main they are pretty good. I usually have done what I need to do early in the morning and leave it free for the two youngest in the afternoon & evening.

While I was busy sorting out the blog they both did a load of washing and hung it out. They often wash their own clothes which is a great help. I vetoed the drier as it was a lovely breezy day great for drying washing on the line. They each brought theirs in and it did get finished off in the drier for 30mins as it was later out than usual and there were things they needed.

Miss L got busy upstairs sorting things out. She is great at tidying and really likes to do it. Over the years we have accumulated all sorts of things so we are in the process of de-junking as well. Miss L is doing a great job. She is going to continue today. A friend of hers will be coming over tomorrow and so she wants the place tidy! While our place is always clean it generally has various projects around, regular sorting and organising being necessary, as in many other homes where home education happens.

While Miss L was busy upstairs J.L was busy outside. He is doing some outside chores to earn a bit of cash and DH had asked him to clear the steps up the back. I made these steps years ago as our "backyard" is  basically a bank...once upon a time it was farmland. It can be walked up fairly easily but I decided steps would make it easier. So I cut them out of the bank and used boards and steel rods to hold them.

Here is J.L. hard at work, with the chickens helping! I bet they're enjoying all the bugs that were dug up.

Still lots that needs doing up the back. Just to the left of J.L you can see our garden frames. Digging over the gardens is another job on the list for J.L, then some plantings. We built the frames for a couple of keep the chickens out and the windbreak gives protection from Wellington's strong winds. We get both the southerly and the northerly and many veges that grow above ground have been lost..or blown sideways. We have bird netting that we put over the top of the frames too, and it does a great job of keeping the white cabbage moth off the brassicas!

Last week J.L went outside and found this fellow! Looks as though one of the cats have been busy!

J.L decided he wants to see him decompose! Science...we'll photograph the process. I declined to have him decomposing indoors!! So he has been put in an ice cream carton up in the old playhouse. Must get J.L. to check progress.

Around 3pm I popped down to the bank and flew through the supermarket to get some  meat for dinner. Stir-fried rice. A quick easy meal for us. Then it was back home to put on some rice...A little oil in the pot, 2 cups rice, stir through the oil to coat it,  4 1/2 cups water, a little salt, bring to the boil, turn down to simmer for 5 mins then take off the heat and let the rest of the water absorb. I use Basmati rice as I like the flavour.

Then it was off to ballet for Miss L. Sunday and Monday she hasn't been wearing the soft neck collar so much. The background to that is last weekend her Dad was tickling her and she went backwards off our bed. She's done this many times but this time she landed on the top of her head and heard a did J.L who was in the room too. She howled, I could tell she was hurt..but jumped up and ran to me so was able to move arms and legs! I kept an eye on her and the next day took her to after hrs dr as I wanted it checked out since she was tyring to keep it still and it was quite sore. She was still headachey too so more than likely had a mild concussion. When we arrived she was given a soft collar. It was x-rayed, no fractures seen - Thank God! - and nature had to do the rest.

She managed to do the whole dance class though not the jumps...which was great as last week her neck was too sore to do any dance at all!

Then it was home again. DH was busy looking at badges (NZ Army War badges) on Trade Me. J.L. had been picked up for his Hip Hop class and I got dinner sorted. As DH is vegetarian and J.L and Miss L are both on a strict Gluten Free (GF) diet due to Coeliac Disease meals can create a challenge. For fried rice I cook beaten eggs ready to throw in with the rice, then after I've rinsed ouut the pan I cook the meat in it. Meanwhile in our big electric frypan I cook onion, mixed veg, the pre-cooked rice, the pre-cooked eggs and some salt. Though you can get GF soy sauce we've become used to it without! Then everyones is dished up and J.L., Miss L and I add  the meat on top!

J.L got brought home some time after 8, often we do pick-up but no need tonight. After dinner Miss L did her Davis dyslexia work which she needs to do every day ...except weekends. There are trigger words she needs to work through plus some other work to do. She is doing well.

By then it was getting to around 10pm!! So it was more than her bed-time and usually we wouldn't do "school work" so late. It was off to bed for me too, and I chased J.L. off the computer and sent him on his way as well.

Just before Miss L trotted off to bed I took this photo of a big box of Roses choccys we were given today...a belated Christmas Gift. Doesn't her face just say "I'd LOVE to eat all these"?

I settled down to read the workbook that Miss L has for her dyslexia work as it has tips for "the helper" which is me. I got about half of it read before I fiound my eyes closing! So it was snuggle down and off to sleep :)

Monday, 25 March 2013

Intro to our ordinary family

I'll start with an intro of my family, as this blog is a diary of sorts of the day-to-day life of my family.

DH, R, has just left for work...later than usual as he's working locally..only 5mins away. Usually he leaves by 7.15 as he has to travel across the city through rush hour traffic. He is a carpenter, or chippie, as it's known locally. Used to do all sorts, mainly alterations but now is fitting double glazed windows.

Our oldest blessing is J.R. & he is married to a lovely young woman A.They have a beautiful wee girl Miss O who turned 1 a month ago. They live close by so we get to see them often. J.R. works full time & A cares for little O at home...though she has many other interests to keep her busy as well, one being her own blog Little O Sunshine

Next is our eldest daughter & blessing, C, who is a busy young lass working hard at caring for children, helping run the local Girls' Brigade company and volunteering at RDA (Riding for the Disabled) every weekend. C lives nearby us as well.

Our 2nd son T is our 3rd born blessing. T has a lovely partner, B, and they have a handsome wee lad, Master D, who turned 1 last week. They live "over the hill" in the Wairarapa so still close by as they are only an hour away and we get to see them often. T & B are both home caring for Master D at the moment, though both are looking for work...T  may be able to pick up some seasonal work. I'm praying that he will. B has sent her CV to several places via WINZ...but the job market is pretty hard at the moment.

Our 2nd daughter, S, is our 4th born blessing. S has a lovely partner, J, and they are expecting their first baby in 5 1/2 weeks! So exciting! S is still working for another few weeks at a shampoo and more products retail shop at the local mall. J, her partner, is out of work at the moment but hoping to pick some up. They live close by as well.

Our 3rd son and 5th blessing, J.L. learns at home as did the older children. J.L is 15, a great reader and full of information. He has a mind like a sponge for information and comes out with all sorts of facts he's picked up. It'll be interesting to see what he chooses to do when he becomes older. For the present he is working through his math book, reading a lot...The latest being A History Of Europe, a very dry looking 700 page tome! He has finished that and wants to read the rest of the series. This year he has also read a couple of William Shakespeare's plays and last year a couple of Charles Dickens' works...I'll have to ask him again which ones they were as I'm beginning to keep a record of what he does for future reference and as a transcript should he want to go to university before he is 20. J.L  has danced since he was 4, following on after his older siblings. I thought he might enjoy the pre-school dance class and he did. 14 years on he is studying RAD Advanced 1 ballet and also contemporary at L Dance Studio and Hip-Hop, which he does at another studio Pump Dance You can also find Pump Dance on Facebook 

Our 6th blessing is Miss L, our 3rd daughter. Miss L is an engaging young lady who is growing up very quickly. She is 12 and looking forward to celebrating her 13th birthday soon. Like our oldest daughter, C, Miss L has found it hard to learn to read and as I suspected has the gift of dyslexia. Last week Miss L had a week long 1-on-1 intensive programme with Glenys from Clarity Dyslexia Solutions. Glenys uses the The Gift of DyslexiaDavis Dyslexia Association approach to helping with dyslexia. The image of the book to the left is by Ron Davis who desigined the programme. I found it really interesting. It is a totally different approach to other methods and I thought it would be a good fit for Miss L. It was :) More on it later. Miss L also learns at home and at the moment is chewing through the last few pages of her math book keen to move on to the next level. Miss L is interested in design and sewing and for her 12th birthday we bought her a sewing machine. Miss L also does ballet and is studying RAD Intermediate and Grade 7, plus contemporary and also does Hip Hop at the same studio as J.L.

Then there! I am essentially a SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mum) my most important ministry being my family. I believe with all my heart, mind and soul in my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am the business manager for L Dance Studio and also have a small sewing business, which gets squeezed into whatever time I can find. I have a blog for the sewing/craft things I do Alyz Creations I do a variety of things...the latest being a pro-wrestling outfit for a female! Interesting! As usual it was a challenge and I learnt a lot. I'll be putting it up on Alyz Creations in a while...when I've updated the blog to present day. One of my favourite things to do is read so I'll put some images up of the books I'm reading when I can find them, and titles if I can't. Don't expect an analysis though! I know what I like, think about what I read but I don't like dissecting books as it tends to kill the enjoyment for me. I'm of the breed that HAS to read before I go to sleep, unless I'm really tired or unwell. It's my way of unwinding and relaxing.

At the moment I'm referring to members of the family by initals...that's because I like to ask permission before I put their full names or photos and I haven't mentioned this blog to them yet! We also have a few camera shy people in the family...myself included! :)

I think that will do for today. I need to get on with the day's doings...though I'm thinking we'll have a Mellow Monday to some extent. I'll feeling a bit tired after a full weekend and I think J.L and Miss L are too. They are both night owls and although Miss L said to wake her at 8, which I did, she rolled over and went back to sleep! It was a full on week for her last week and she is also recovering from an injury to her neck which happened last weekend. I wonder how many ACC incidents are attched to our family's name now? Quite a few I think!

I'm going to load some photo's onto the computer and then I'll update my Alyz Creations blog....after I've put on a load of washing. It's a fine day so I can get it out on the line for a few hours.

I also need to get some sewing done..or preparation to sew. Our youth Pastor, D, asked me to do a small job altering a jacket for the upcoming BYM Easter Camp starting this Thursday and also I need to make leotards for J.L and for L a boy in Miss L's class. Plus the other items on my growing list! Still it keeps me out of mischief And what is life if one doesn't live it abundantly & to the full? You never know when your time on earth is up or circumstances will change.