Saturday, 21 April 2018

27 Feb to 3 Mar 2018

The next day (25th) I decided to do other things and have a bit of a rest day and the following day it was raining. The only thing I made a decision on was to start putting the chooks back in their coop each night. They had taken to roosting in the trees over the patio and that leaves a lot of chook droppings all over the patio. Good for the garden but not so much for sitting up there!

On the 27th I popped into the local garden centre and bought a few packets of seed and some Iceberg lettuce seedlings.

I'm going to try growing the tomatoes in the greenhouse. Not really the time of year to be starting them off but I'll see what happens.

Later in the day I dug over garden 7 and put the large frame over it. It needs a few repairs so hopefully Boar will be happy to do them. Before I went to bed I soaked the lupin seeds ready for sowing in the morning.

A few days later we went to Bunnings and I bought quite a few more packets of seed. The basil to go in the greenhouse, the heartsease in a pot outside the front, the cottage garden mix in another pot, marigolds for the garden beds as a companion plant and the wildflower mix to go right up the back. I'll need to fence the area off from the chooks though.

No notes for the 1st of March but on the 2nd March I watered the Lupin seeds. I was given a drying flower of renga renga by C next door. I've wanted some for ages so later in the day I shook all the seed out and collected it in a small jar. There must be hundreds of seeds, way more than I need but they don't usually all sprout.  

My mission for 3rd March was to reclaim the compost bin. It was well hidden by a hebe. This self-seeded as they all have. It took me some time but after an hour or so I managed to get it out.

Quite a good sized trunk, which will become firewood! The root system is fascinating too, all those wee feeder roots!

I also cleared around the peach tree, which actually had a peach on it. Just a small one but one never-the-less. I pruned it a bit, just the dead wood and need to do a bit more. I also put a layer of grass as mulch.

According to my notes I bought a bag of Lupin seeds from Bunnings as well as 2 seed trays and some Freesia bulbs! The problem with not writing straight away is that I forget, especially if I don't write notes down in my wee book at the time.

Checking the Lupin seeds I sowed on 28th Feb they are sprouting already! The next lot I may sow without soaking to see how long it takes for them to sprout.