Thursday, 4 July 2013

The ups and downs of life: Part 4

The Wednesday - 19 June

Slept pretty well.
Had a few texts asking how Dad was doing.

 I had a text from a neice asking if she could come and visit as she had been in Wellington overnight.
I said sure thing :)

Opted to go in to see Dad early afternoon.
Had to do some work before I went in as the tutu was being picked up that evening!
The young lass had a competition down in Blenheim over the weekend.

J arrived and we chatted as I worked. She likes to sew as well so had a few questions.
She ended up helping me finish the beading. There was only half of what I needed to do left and so we each started at one end and met in the middle.
J learnt something new and the job got done in half the time.
J headed off around noon as she had to head for work in Martinborough
Brains and Locket got up and I could sense a fair amount of tension.
Locket especially was winding up to a meltdown.
To divert that I told her she could come with me to see Grandad.
No arguing allowed.
Separation of the two seemed the best policy.

So Locket got organised and off we went.
Dad was still in MAPU.

I'd had a text from one of my nephews, IK, to say he was heading over to see Dad that afternoon.
His visit was going to coincide with ours.

An ultrasound of Dad's Carotid Arteries had been done just after 1pm.
A doctor came in later in the afternoon.
The right was partially narrowed.
The left was 70-79% narrowed.
They get gunked up with plaque and sometimes bits of it break away and can cause
strokes or CVA
Dad was given the option of an operation to help reduce the risk of further strokes.
Some choose not to have the operation but Dad chose to.

Shortly after this IK and Locket headed off.
Locket was getting a bit restless and as IK was heading towards JVille
where we live he kindly took her home.
And took up the invitation to stay for dinner :)
He also wanted to pop in and see his brother who lives nearby us before he headed back over the hill to Masterton

Dad was transferred up to a ward.
There was mention the operation may be on the Friday or on Wednesday of the next week.
Once he had settled in I headed home for some dinner...
and a tutu pick up!

Dinner over and goodbyes to IK said I headed upstairs to my sewing area.
I took a couple of photos of the tutu so that I would have a record.
I had hoped to get the tutu bag all done, but time had run out.
Soon C arrived to pick up the tutu.
I explained that I would get the tutu bag done and delivered by the next afternoon.
C was fine with this, she completely understood that the last few days had been out of the ordinary!

We chatted for a while and then C headed off....with the tutu.
I tossed up whether to sew or not.
In the end I cut out the material for the tutu bag.
Then I headed for to get up early to work on the tutu bag.
Experience tells me I will only make mistakes if I sew when I am too tired!


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