The days continue to be busy.
Boar is spending a lot of time at Pa's old house.
Plastering takes up most of the time.
Two coats plus a top coat.
Hallway, kitchen and lounge are all being done.
One completed wall in the kitchen looks so good that Moneypenny thought it had been painted already.
Before that there was still lots happening.
On the Sunday Absent-Minded Prof and Moneypenny went to the house.
8wk old Poppet went with them.
Little O stayed with me.
A-M Prof steamed the paper off the lounge walls.
Not as easy as the kitchen as there were two layers.
Moneypenny did some cleaning and picked up all the paper that got tossed down.
I took Little O to church with me. She was dressed in a lovely wee dress and cardigan.
Little O loves music but I wasn't sure how she would react to the worship team.
Sometimes they can be pretty loud!
As it was she was fine.
I swayed to the music as I aways do when I have a babe in my arms.
By the third song I noticed her wee head was drooping.
By the end of the next song she was sound asleep.
Slept through the sermon.
Woke just before the end worship songs.
When we got home she lined her pretzels up on the table.
Then they all ended up on the floor!
I love her wee dress below
And the cardigan which Moneypenny picked up from Savemart in Porirua
Brand new!
On the Monday Boar and I went over to the house.
Boar sanded the front door.
He gave it a first coat of varnish to protect it from the rain.
He had found a lock up in the shed.
Pa didn't remember where it came from.
It was in a style that fit the door.
We took the pieces home and I started to polish them up.
The old letter slot, still works.
Boar has replaced the spring on the back so now it will stay shut in the wind!
This is what we used to polish the bits of the lock.
Boar finished the polishing. The knob on the right is as we found it.
The one on the left has been polished!
Once done the whole set looked great.
The rest of the week passed.
I had a few texts from Locket while she was away.
I tend to wait for my children to contact me when they are away.
I figure they are coping fine if I don't hear anything :)
Lately I've been feeling tired.
Well, more tired than usual.
I'd been wondering if my iron had dropped again.
Today I finally went to the Dr to see if it could be checked.
Saw a lovely lady doctor who I will transfer to when my current one retires.
Not sure when that will be but thought I'd mention it to her anyway.
Dr gave me a form for blood tests.
A whole raft of them to check out: Thyroid, cholesterol, full blood count., etc.
Had a call tonight.
Later found I'd missed two calls on my mobile from the doctor herself.
Oops. . .must have not heard it.
My iron had bottomed out.
Haemaglobin 80 (Normal 115 - 160)
Ferritin 2.5 (Normal 15 - 150)
Not good.
2009 my Ferritin dropped to 1.8
Dr R who I saw at Outpatients in 2009 said he didn't think he'd seen one that low in his entire career!
And he was in his 60s or 70s I"m picking. Chief Medical Officer he was when I saw him.
This doctor said she'd never met anyone with one that low.
I'd already picked up the script for iron and taken one.
Was told that it was vital I take it.
Yup, I'd figured that out.
Very low reserves is not a good situation to be in.
Still, it is easily treatable and there are a lot worse things!
Explains just why I've been feeling tired, forgetful, and a bit fuzzy-headed though.
I said to Boar tonight that with all I do with low iron imagine what I'll get done when I feel great!
I'll try taking a tablet a day. . .sometimes they upset my gut.
But with iron as low as mine I'd rather get it sorted.
I seem to tolerate the one below better.
I have a box of 100 though - not 60.
It will be nice, eventually, to go for a decent walk.
I can't at the moment as I get too breathless.
5-10min on flat ground is about all I can manage.
I really want to be able to go on rambles.
A proper tramp is my aim.
No way I can at present.
I'll just have to have patience and work up to it slowly.
It's not fun when you're on a ramble and the 80+ yr olds are doing way better than you!
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