When we started the job I was intrigued that even though I haven't lived there for nearly thirty years some of my old posters were still on the walls and ceiling.
My Granny, Ma's mum, used the room for quite a number of years as well! And they were still left up.
I decided to take some photos of the posters, for memory's sake. Also because I was intrigued that the things that were important to me then still are. They're a bit faded now.
This is the first one. . .a picture of Christ wearing His crown of thorns. I never could decide if His eyes are closed or looking up! Young as I was I had a faith then. I never can think of a time I didn't believe in Christ. My faith is still of the utmost importance to me today. My faith is what has helped me through many difficult times.
This next one I must have found in a magazine as I see it has been torn out. I love the happiness on the little girl's face. I also love the caring and compassion the nurse is showing. I don't know if this picture influenced me or not. I do know it inspired me. I decided I wanted to train as a nurse when I was around 13. I later did and worked for a few years before having a family. The training has come in very useful over the years with a family, and now with parents whose health is not so good.
This one always used to make me giggle & smile. It still does :) How like us to ask God for something and then ask Him to hurry! I have learnt that God's timing can be completely different to ours. We may wait years for a prayer to be answered. It may not be answered as it may not be God's will in our lives. Still, there were many moments when the children were younger that I would remember this poster. . .sometimes many times a day, young children being the testing creatures they are!
The environment. I have always loved the natural world and still do. Memories of walks on a Sunday through Wilton's Bush now re-named Otari-Wilton's Bush. Trips to Lyall Bay and Scorching Bay
We are lucky to see green hills from our dining room, I don't kow for how much longer though as the suburbs are creeping over. I belong to the Tararua Tramping Club although I'm not a very active member of it. Still this poster shows I was thinking about things like the environment way back then.
This poster was on the ceiling above my bed, where I could see it when I woke up. It reads "The size of a person's world is the size of his heart." Well for me it was "her heart". People have always been more important to me than things. Yes, I like to have nice things, but to me it woud be very sad to be surrounded with things, inanimate objects, and not have people in my life. I am very fortunate that I am blessed to have many wonderful people in my life. Family, friends, church folk, and this kind - There are no strangers here; Only friend's you haven't met yet -William Butler Yeats
I have found over the years there have been "seasons"of being in people's lives. Different folk at different times. At one stage it seemed as though a lot of my friends moved away within a couple of years. I found it difficult and, for a while, lonely. I adjusted, made the effort to make some new ones but most of all learnt to lean in closer to God.
Being of a shy nature and preferring one-on-one to groups I have had to push myself to join a new group. I did this with the Women's Life Group I go to on a Friday. I found new friends. I did it with the tramping club. . .acquaintances more than friends, especially at present when I am not able to do any walks with them. . .with my low iron I struggle to walk far at all, and definately not the pace they do! Even the 80/90 yr olds walk farther and faster than me. . .
Last year I decided to join a regional group who meet to discuss Chalet School books. Ma had a collection, I read and loved them from about the age of 9 or 10, and she helped me gather my own. Now I'm collecting the new editiions published by Girls Gone By publishers. I never realised till reading on their website that Armada publishers made cuts in some of the books. I am really enjoying meeting with these ladies to discuss the books. Many folk don't and won't get it. If you're a reader you may. To me, when I read one of the books I haven't read before it is as though I meet up with old friends.
I found out over time that even though I love to spend time with others I also need some space or time to myself. Not heaps, just a bit here and there, or else I get what I call "peopled-out". I need to "be still" for a while, just "be" for a short space to recharge my batteries. Not always easy in a busy household, but possible nonetheless.
That's enough waffle from me. . .time to get ready to go to my Life Group :)
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