Thursday, 29 May 2014

ANZAC Day, Friday, 25 April 2014

Woke usual time. Locket needed to be up and ready just after 8am. Smurfette was picking her up to go to the Anzac Day Parade in Johnsonville. Girls' Brigade go every year. Forgot about a white shirt! Found a sleeveless one of mine, all good as she will be wearing a jacket over the top.
Boar, Pa & Brains all went too. I stayed here, feeling rather tired this morning.
A few mins after they went. . .a text from Chuckles came through. Could they come over today & stay the night?
I think I'm more tired than I realised. Usually I don't hesitate but suddenly I felt quite overwhelmed! Had seen her fingers needed checking. I queried it. The check could be done anywhere. I said I needed to check with Boar but it should be ok. That I would text in an hr.
I think my bucket is full. . .shed a few tears but almost too tired to cry! Prayed for strength. Quite a lot to do today and tomorrow and feeling a bit stressed by it.
Got dressed and began sorting out the pattern I needed to draught. Boar, Pa & Brains arived home. Locket came a little later.
Talked to Boar. He said ok for them to come. I text to say ok, but arvo would be good as I had work to do today and tomorrow. And, yes, they'd need to bring the basinette.
I got busy draughting. Draughted off a leggings pattern. Checked the fabric more closely. . .woven with stretch. Began again, draughting off a close fitting pants pattern.
Chuckles text around 3pm to say they were on the way, going to P's before they came here. I got the fold out bed sorted.
Frosty had called to say she had some $$ for me and could I pick up the dog bix from their place please. Went down and did all that plus got mince etc. for Spag Bol. Picked up Pa on the way home. Got the Spaghetti Bolognese underway when we got home.
Chucles, Butcher & Co arrived. We had dinner. . .and then Brains went to Kris'
Halfpint had a bath, then Chuckles took Lil Battler in with her. Butcher dried Hlfpint. I dried & dressed Lil Battler. Bit wee for Butcher yet, he feels!
Smurfette arrived & also Jerry.
I had a conversation with Moneypenny via Facebook. She has started a new blog. There aren't any posts yet so I will wait to link it here.
Went upstairs to check out a few tings with the pattern. Not totally happy with the shape. Not too sure how to properly use the French Curve. I have insructions but can I find them? Googled and found a great video, and that the lady who was in the video had written an article in Threads Issue #82. . .which of course I have!! Looked it up and printed it off. Very helpful.
Sleep around midnight as my eyes were closing!

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