Monday 28 April
up round 8.30. Not such a rush today. Had some toast – Roggenbrot
Dark Rye with peanut butter. Yum.
on my laptop to do the usual baking checks etc. It's been a
long weekend though so no transactions will show. I'm waiting to see the one
from SCEE.
weren't loading properly! Not sure if it's my computer, heaps of
activity after the long weekend or Pa on his computer too, though that doesn't
usually affect it. I logged off as not much point in trying to get
sites loaded.
I got
Locket up so she could get organised to meet her new friend. Who I'm
going to eyeball as a matter of course. Much to Locket's horror. “It'll
be awkward, Mum!” Such are the jobs of a mother!
I applied
the Betnovate lotion to Pa's back. Hard to tell if the antibiotics
and lotion have worked. It's been a month and the spots/pustules keep
coming up, not as many though, at least I think not.
was moving on. I needed to get on with the dress for Amira but decided
to start after I got back from the mall.
Locket was ready we went down. I saw her young friend, who is only the
same age as Estelle after all! Her birthday is in the same month so she is turning 15
soon. Looks like your average young girl. Has a job somewhere so
reasonably responsible I guess.
to Marieka's to see if she had covered buttons. Yes, and zips.
Also woven invisible zips. Saved me another trip down to Spotlight!
I then
went on to Life Pharmacy to pick up the rest of Pa's prescription that we
forgot to get last week! That done I decided to pop in and see Frosty
at Shampoo Plus. It's her last day there. From tomorrow she'll be
full-time at Burger King. Stayed chatting longer than I should. Frosty
was funny when I said Locket was meeting a new friend. “Who is she?”
She'd seen them walk past the shop, so was thinking, "Oh, ok." Sometimes my older children make
me want to crack up laughing. . .they can be almost tougher on the
two younger ones than I would be. Or than they think I was on them at
the same ages!
I left Shampoo Plus I went to Countdown to get some meat for a
casserole. Seriously watching the pennies at the mo. Boar didn't get
paid his full pay so things are very tight. Also I'm trying to pay
off the Visa. Our part of it anyway. Frosty & Jester owe money for
the TV still. Also they are borrowing $1000 to fix the ute. I'd let
them have more if there was more. But there isn't. The materials
from SCEE have been paid for. I'll get hit with tax so need to keep
some in reserve for that.
again and I made a cuppa and headed upstairs. Had a call from Chuckles
asking me to change an appointment for Lil Battler's newborn hearing test.
Rang and left a message with Chuckles' number.
on with the dress. I needed to re-draught parts of the bodice. It still
takes me a while and I'd rather take care. Each time I do some
draughting I understand a bit more. Locket got home not much after me
and continued with the jewellry stand she's making.
carried on with the draughting process. Stopped for some lunch, and a
short break. Brain's emerged. He'd decided to stay in bed and read.
4.30pm I dedcided there was no way I'd have the dress at a stage to
take it out to Amira for a fitting. Also the design is different and
looser. Text her to let her know. The other reason was that I was
feeling rather tired, the weather was packing in and I really didn't
feel up to driving at night.
up Pa from the home, then brought the mail in. The Italic handwriting books
from Christian Books have arrived. And also Locket's Project Bloom package. The pictures are lovely. The magazine is ok. However I am going to contact
them as for the amount I paid I don't think there should be a major
grammar glitch and what I think is another girl's name for the
I got
dinner underway, and carried on with the dress. I'm finally cutting it
out. Almost made a mistake when I went to cut out the skirts and
remembered I was making a slimmer fit lining.
organising dinner. Yummy casserole and mashed spuds for us. Veges,
omelette and mashed spuds for Boar.
done, later than I'd hoped, I headed back upstairs with the last
reserves of energy I had. . it was around 8.45pm already. The mealtime
seems to take so long these days. I used to be able to eat and 10-15mins
later I'd be back upstairs. Especially when I had lots to do.
the skirt lining pattern draughted off the block. Forgot to add seam
allowances and started cutting it out, arrrrgh! Taped the paper
together and added all seam allowances. That's when I knew I was
tired and had made a good decision not to go to Titahi Bay tonight. Got
the skirt cut out and headed for my bed.
was after 10pm, my legs were tired and achey, and I needed to stop.
Turned my light off round 11.30pm as I couldn't keep my eyes open any
longer. Locket & Brains were still up but I was just too tired to
stay awake!
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