Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Wilderness Garden - Part 1

I'm going to load a series of posts about our garden or more to the point our backyard, which at the moment is a bit of a wilderness. I took the photos over a few days. Most of them were taken last Sunday, the rest on the Tuesday of that week. I have begun work on the garden, again, and these photos are to remind me of what I am trying to improve on. In the main so we have a lovely place to wander. Also because one day we will sell this property and when that time comes I do not want to have a massive job to do. Especially If I'm significantly older than I am now!

These are the before photos, showing what happens when I pay no attention to the "hill" that is our backyard. And the front areas.

A Nurseryweb spider Butcher found when he was getting rid of some weeds.

Halfpint "helping" Butcher pull some weeds up on the side path :)

A strawberry plant in the side garden.

Believe it or not more strawberries in this garden patch up the back. Butcher and Brains had just pulled a whole lot of weeds out and Butcher took some strawberries home.

The cherry tree that grew from a seedling around 20 years ago. Not edible cherries though.

Cherry tree and part of the deck, with a bin containing liquid compost/tea.

One of the gardens. We've used long run roofing iron to make raised garden beds. The frame has windbreak material to protect the plants. . .or, in this case, weeds! Two of the chooks!

Some drainage pipes. I plan to grow something in them but not sure what yet. Lots of weeds and long grass here too.

Another of the garden beds, number 7 according to my garden diary! This is one of the shorter frames. We cover the top with with plastic netting to keep the chooks out when veges are growing.

There are two garden beds under here, covered with an invasive lily which takes over at this time of year!

The greenhouse, again lots of the lily growing!

The chicken coop, although the chickens prefer a tree. Some turnip weed growing out the side.

Another garden bed, I can just see the frame, with lots of grass growing inside.

The back corner, I'd like to grow some wildflowers up here.

The trampoline. I think the hebe bush in front of it needs to go. There is a platform on the left side so children can get on and off easily.

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