I realised when I was looking through my photos that there were a few I'd meant to put in here last year and hadn't.
This sofa we've had since Boar's mum passed away. I think she had it all her married life, it could have been in her family, though I'm not 100% certain of that. Over the years the fabric had got into a sorry state, plus saggy springs. Boar suggested getting another, but I really wanted to keep it and have it, and the two chairs, re-covered. It is such a good solid sofa. Although they weren't supposed to when they were little the children would walk along the back of it, and it didn't tip over! I took this photo just before the sofa was taken away to be re-covered for us by Jester's friend.
I liked how the misty clouds were in the valleys, with the sun just coming up, 12/08/2014
The moon the next night, 13/08/2014, with a bit of cloud around it. I'd love to have a camera with a better lens for closer shots. One day!
All re-covered. It looks lovely and is great to sit on again.
What happens when a two year old granddaughter decides my diary needs some art work with chalk!
Sad, tired old duvet cover needing retirement throwing out!
A new-to-us cover. Not wanting to get a new one I looked in Savemart. Hopefully we'll be getting a new bed this year or next and I'll be up-sizing. The one we currently have is a double and I want to get a queen. So I'll need a new inner and would rather spend money on a down/feather one than on a new double cover. We've been given at least one new queen sized cover which I haven't used yet :)
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