I'm going to try and catch up with just the bare notes I made over the last few weeks :)
Sunday 7 April 2013
Daylight savings ended early this morning so we could have got an extra hrs sleep...but don't think I did.
Went to church. C was tired so stayed at her place but Miss L came with me.
Gave the wee merino blankets to E for the twin babes.
Spoke with C from church re property management and will talk with Pa about it.
Got home and soon after R arrived home. He'd been brought by Pa as he'd left his lights on and flattenend his battery!
So I spoke with Pa re meeting the property manager and he is happy to do that.
Later in the arvo took J.L and his friend K in to their class at Pump Dance, then dropped R off to start his van with the battery he'd brought in.
Came home dropping K off on the way.
Sewed up Master D's booties.
Monday 8 April 2013 - Miss L's Birthday - Happy Birthday!!
Miss L's birthday but still lots to do.
Made phone calls and went on line to check out info for Pa.
Calls to WINZ and IRD.
As Pa is moving in with us we need to sort some things out.
That done I spoke with sis R to share the info I'd found out.
Whizzed out to pick up A and Little O from A's mums home, and dropped them at their place.
Shopped for food for Miss L's bday dinner...Roast chicken etc.
Home and began preparing a gluten free sponge cake.
Took Miss L to balllet then home to finish the veges J.L had started preparing.
J.L. left for Hip Hop.
Pa arrived soon after...I'd suggested he join us but wasn't sure if he would.
We had a cuppa and chat as I continued getting dinner organised.
Showed him the figures I'd worked out.
R got home from work and had a chat to Pa.
Then R went to pick up Miss L from ballet, then A,J and Little O.
They all arrived back and soon after S & J arrived.
J.L. was dropped off after Hip Hop then C arrived as well.
Only B, T & Master D weren't able to make it to Miss L's dinner.
They were missed, but that's what happens as families grow up.
We had dinner and chat and "the" song was sung.
It has become somewhat of a tradition in our family to NOT sing in tune...
started by R, wonderful DH :)
Needless to say many of the young uns try to outdo each other in their tunelessness!
Quite a cacophony which has startled a few guests!!
Then the candles were blown out.
Ummm....the icing sugar was blown too!!
After a cuppa it was time for folk to wend their way home, and I took A, J & Little O home.
Miss L came for the ride and told me it had been a lovely birthday dinner.
Tuesday 9 April 3013
Got up, coffee to help me wake :)
Caught up on a blog I follow...and got a call re Ma's hearing aid.
The tubing is slipping off one of them.
Miss L had woken up and was keen to set up a Facebook account.
I helped her to do that...I won't allow them to get one before 13..it asks your age.
I don't like them to lie about their age...it's a lie even if it's small so both J.L and Miss L have had to wait till they are actually 13.
I whizzed through a shower.
Hunted for and found some vouchers we'd been given.
Some were for petrol and some for groceries.
It had been a lovely day then turned to the south and rain came...which the country needs!!
Drought condidtions in many areas.
Miss L did her Davis work & I popped some rice on to cook.
Miss L and J.L. to dance then I dropped off Little O's buggy which somehow was left in the van.
Went to the library to get some books for J.L.
Napoleon's Buttons, The Rocks don't Lie, Milestones of Science, Forces of Change
were the titles I picked out.
Science type books :)
Picked up Miss L from dance and through the supermarket to pick up a few things.
Used one of the gift cards :)
R picked up J.L. from dance.
Dinner and then watched David Attenborough 60 yrs in the field.
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