Wednesday 10 April 2013
Got the banking checked, both ours and for the studio, something I do most days.
Updated my blog & got some towels washed.
J.L. and Miss L were up by this stage. Miss L and I went to Cummings Park library to pick up a book she wanted. This was on the way to Pa's so worked in well.
Meanwhile J.L. was at home putting a bid on Trade Me for a chemistry book he'd seen.
Only $10 so if he doesn't end up using it not too great a loss!
There were also a couple on Physics he was watching.
Miss L and I went on to Pa's and I had a bite to eat.
We'd brought a GF sandwich over for Miss L from home.
C, the property manager, arrived soon after and I gave her a tour of the house.
There was discussion and she gave us a lot of ideas.
Quite a few we knew, so we know what needs doing to get it into a good state for renting out.
Before we returned home I took some photos of the Lowrey organ Pa has had for quite a few years.
The plan is to try and sell it on Trade Me.
We wended our way home.
Soon it was out to dance classes, where I used the waiting time to knit.
Home again and dinner.
Headed into the Central Library in the city.
Had a few books to return & J.L. was wanting to get some out.
The Battle of the Nile;
Energy the sublte concept: the discovery of Feynman's Blocks from Leibnitz to Einstein
were the two he chose!
When we got home I tucked up into bed and did some of the homework for the Beth Moore study.
Then I read for a while before settling down to sleep.
Thursday 11 April 2013
Late last night Miss L finished the math book she'd been working on.
It was the 2nd book at that level.
She appeared and so I gave her the next one as promised!
She couldn't resist starting it...even though it was very late!
On waking I savoured my Jarrah coffee and read my bible. I'm reading through Leviticus at present.
When I was up and dressed I wrote an email to my siblings and other extended family outlining what was going to be needed to spruce up Pa's home.
That took a while to do.
I also had a chat with Pa letting him know what it said. He is getting a copy too.
He was a little unsure why I included his "grandchildren"
I gently pointed out that said grandchildren are all adults in their 30's and late 20's with families of their own,
and all interested in helping!
I got a leotard cut out for J.L.
Miss L did her Davis work and showed me that she'd done 12 pages in her new Math book!
Well done! I checked it over and nearly all was correct :)
Later it was out to contemporary.
While they were in class..both in the same class...I sat in the van and did some more of the Beth Moore homework.
Earlier in the day I'd put on the leftover chicken carcasses to boil up.
I pulled all the meat off them and threw in some veges to make a pot of soup for dinner.
Also made a pot of vege soup for R.
Miss L decided to walk to GB. Gaining confidence :)
Having been a shy wee lass these are all big steps for her.
I said she needed to text when she arrived.
Soon I received a text..from her big sis, C, who is co-captain.
I like to know they're safe :)
Later in the evening I sat in bed doing my Beth Moore homework, with the TV on in the background.
I was going to try and finish all the days.
But I was falling asleep over it... so turned out the light.
Friday 12 April 2013
When I woke up I finished the last day of the Beth Moore homework.
Didn't take too long. Each session/day is around 45 mins.
Checked emails and the bank balances on the computer.
Saw a couple of books I wanted on Harvest Curriculum Swap, a site for home educators to buy, sell, or swap educational materials.
They were local and from a friend so she arranged to drop them off later that day.
Went to Life group. There were a few new ladies so more of us there now which is lovely.
Enjoyed the discussion we had over our homework.
Got home and rang National Hearing Care to see if I was able to take Ma's hearing aid in to be fixed without taking her. The weather is a bit cold to be wheeling her in a chair at the mo.
They said it was fine to bring it in.
Went upstairs to sew J.L's leotard. J.L. tried it on, the fit was good but this is a thinner lycra so needs to be two layers. Cut out a second layer.
Heard a knock at the door and it was my friend, J, dropping off the books.
A brief chat and then she left taking my Sonlight Eastern Hemisphere Level to have a look at. She may use it next year with her twins.
Back upstairs to finish the leotard.
Miss L was busy tidiying up as her party was the next day.
I popped out & picked up Ma's hearing aid from the rest home.
Dropped it off and popped into the library to pick up a book I'd seen they had, then picked up the hearing aid and dropped it back to the home.
Back home to carry on with the leotard. Got a text from L's mum asking if I could pick him up and take him to Ballet so willingly said yes.
Got the leotard finished to the point that J.L could wear it.
Out to dance picking up L on the way.
Miss L and I returned home as there was still a lot to do.
Sat down for a bit with a cup of coffee and a look at the book I'd got from the library.
L's mum, C, text offering to bring J.L. home so I said yes please!
Saves me a trip out :)
Tucked up in bed early with my book :)
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