Friday, 27 September 2013

Busy wee people

Thursday 26 September

The radio alarm in our room turns on at 6am....on weekdays anyway.
Around the same time I heard baby talking from Mr Magoo.
He was awake and ready to start his day!
The morning was wet and dreary, and the fire had burnt down.
Boar got the fire going again to take the chill off the air.
I got Mr Magoo's bottle ready, however before I gave it to him I changed his nappy.
I also got beautiful smiles and gurgles, conversation baby style :)
Then it was down to the serious business of drinking his bottle.
After that it was time for a play on the mat.
Boar left for work at his usual time of 7.10am.
Some years ago he would leave at 7.30am.
For the last few years he has had to leave at the earlier time to get to work due to the peak hour traffic.
Usually he works over the other side of the city.
The reverse journey in the evening can take a while too so he's usually home around 6pm.
A long day.
Mr Magoo kept me quite busy for the morning.
I managed to get some porridge made and eaten.
I'm enjoying the porridge at the moment.
Think I had some toast and butter as well.
Mr Magoo has just learnt how to roll from his back to his front.
So of course no sooner do you lay him down and he rolls.
Then he's stuck!
He makes crawling movements with his legs but he's a wee way off that yet!
So he was on the floor for a bit, sitting in the corner of the sofa - yes, I was right there - "playing" with some toys.....till he arches his back and slips down!
And he can't sit up too straight or he bends forward and can't get back up as his back muscles are not strong enough yet.
Around 8.15am he was grizzly and looking tired so I popped him in the bassinette.
He grizzled a bit and then settled off to sleep to lullabies.

I found the above CD when I was expecting Locket. I used to play it before she was born.
After she was born I would play it as she was drifting off to sleep.

I especially love the first lullaby

The moment I saw you, I wanted to hold you
And keep you warm on a cold grey morn
The moment I held you, I wanted to kiss you
And welcome you here on the day you were born

The CD I had got well used and eventually scratched and would skip.
I was delighted when I found it on ITunes and was able to purchase it.

I've given copies to all the grandbabies so far...well their parents anyway.

While Mr Magoo was asleep I quickly got dressed and began a letter to my friend Kris.
We began writing letters a couple of years ago at my suggestion.
It's really nice to receive something in the mail that isn't a bill or something asking for money!
I was well overdue to write so put pen to paper....literally.
Often we use the computer and print it out, but since ours is out of action.......

I got a little done before I heard Mr Magoo "talking"
He's a power napper....20mins or so and he's awake again.
He sleeps all night though so that's the main thing.
He kept me busy for the rest of the morning.
Brought back memories I can say!

At one point when he was on the floor, on a playmat, he rolled back to front.
He was wriggling and squirming, when I saw his face go down...and yes he smacked his wee nose into the floor!
Understandably he didn't like that at all!
Poor wee fellow got a shock and cried.
Cuddles from Granny helped.
Gravity lesson...but not in a good way.

Pa had a text from D to say she had finished with the computer and was going to drop it off after 10am.
Yipee! One computer back.
It was round 11am when D arrived.
She had a quick cuddle of Mr Magoo while she was talking to Pa about the data she had input.
It was great to be able to use a big screen after the wee phone one.
Yes, I know you can stretch the screen to make it easier to see but you still have to move around on it a lot.
I prefer being able to see the whole screen at once!

I did get a few sentences added to my blog before Mr Magoo needed attention.

It took me back to when my babies were little.
The days when baby needed a lot of input and you felt as though you accomplished not very much.
Except that you mothered a wee precious babe!
 One of the most important jobs there is, if not the most important.
In my opinion anyway.

I used to have this poem on the wall to remind me.

Song for a Fifth Child

    by Ruth Hulbert Hamilton
    Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth,
    Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
    Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
    Sew on a button and make up a bed.
    Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
    She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

Frosty and Jester arrived back around 2pm.
They'd begun to miss Mr Magoo almost as soon as they drove away :)

Pa had walked down to see Ma as the weather had fined up.
He arrived back not much later.
When he got to Johnsonvale the outer door was locked.
There were around 15 residents ill with the flu. 
Two were on antibiotics and 2 had needed to go to the hospital.
They had closed the rest home to visitors to help contain the spread of the flu.
Thankfully Ma was fine.
Pa had continued on down to the shops and picked up a pair of pants form the dry cleaner,
then walked on home.

Brains, Locket and I left for dance earlier than usual on a Thursday as we needed to pick up Locket's friend Nikki and take her as well.
I dropped the 3 off at the studio and then went to visit Moneypenny and Little Sunshine while they had their class.

I was greeted with beautiful smiles from Little Sunshine, and a cuddle. She is not always so free with cuddles being a fairly wary 19 month old on occasion.
Moneypenny and I had a good chat as well.
Just time for a quick cuppa then it was kisses and cuddles goodbye.

Off to the studio to pick up my two.
Usually Estelle as well but she had to have her knee checked by a surgeon today.
As she was still going to Girls' Brigade with Locket we went on up to L-M & J's place to wait for her.
We were only there for around 30 minutes before we wended our way back to Johnsonville.
I dropped the girls off at GB and then we went home.

Pa was there and Boar had arrived home from work.
It was cooling down so I cut some kindling and got the fire going.
Boar sorted out some dinner for us.
Nothing fancy.
Sausages, eggs, baked beans and chips!
There was enough to make a meal.

Frosty and Jester had gone out taking Mr Magoo with them so we just made enough for ourselves.
They arrived back while we were eating and later got some takeaways.

 Often I'll wait till 8pm when Pa heads to bed to go to my room.
Tonight though I wanted to watch X Factor USA.
So I headed to the room at 7.30pm when it was due to start.
It's always fascinating listening to the different singers.
There are some amazing voices out there.
There are also some who cannot have listened to themselves....or are tone deaf.
Usually the judges let them down lightly...but not always.

I also finished my letter to Kris as I want to post it tomorrow.
Boar was using Pa's computer to look at Trademe so I waited till he was finished to add to my blog.
Then I managed to finish off Jane and the Chalet School
My light was off later than usual. It was 12.30am when I looked at the clock!
Ooops...and need to be on the ball in the morning as we're going to...
The first one to be held in Wellington.

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