Wednesday 25 September 2013
Well that worked! I even managed to publish the post....wonders will never cease :)
Not even going to try and figure out how to add photos though.
This morning I wasn't quite so tired when I woke up. I think I've had one of those random 24-48 hr viruses the last couple of days.
I managed to check my emails and banking on my phone though I much prefer using a computer. Not proficient at using two thumbs to type...yet. One finger typing is a bit slow. I must admit I do like the predictive word function on this phone. Certainly makes it much quicker :)
No need to guess which is which!
The old one was chomped over 2 years ago by Frosty's puppy!
Amazingly it lasted...and was still going but I'd finally got enough for a new one :)
Ok falling asleep now so will have to finish this tomorrow.
Find the phone screen a bit small...making my eyes tired!
It's now Thursday 26.
Pa's computer has just returned so I'll add a bit to this before I'm no doubt interrupted again.
So to remember what happened yesterday!
After checking emails etc I decided to make some porridge for my breakfast.
I prefer the oats finer so put them through the food processor before I cook them. I do a few cups at a time and store them in my fancy (not!) storage jars. Old peanut butter jars I saved years ago when we were first married. They've served me well :)
Duty calls!
Pa is still sorting through things from his old home. 57yrs worth of things.
Quite a lot of paperwork which he has burnt.
But many other things too.
Family are able to request items they would like to have.
My brother, Vidot, is coming down this weekend to take the kitchen table & chairs, fridge/freezer, chest freezer and a small sofa and seat that are a set.
That has all been arranged so all good.
While I was stirring my porridge Pa commented that since Vidot was down taking those things he could also take anything else that wasn't wanted/hadn't been claimed!
Huh?! was my reaction. Why?
Pa said obviously no-one wanted anything as they hadn't been to take things!
I pointed out that last year all had agreed that I would catalogue things and let people know what is there.......when Pa was ready for that to happen.
As he was still living there he needed some things:- bed, table & chairs etc!
He has still been sorting before he had the strokes and major operation.
For a while he wasn't well enough as he was recuperating.
Then Callista had her Aortic Dissection and her and her family were recovering there.
Since they moved back just a couple of weeks ago Pa has been sorting paperwork.
Despite me asking he hasn't seemed to want any help.
I mentioned that I don't have the ability to mind read.
There didn't seem to be a great rush.
All of a sudden, this morning, that seemed to have changed!
Whilst this discussion was happening I could hear Frosty and Jester quietly talking.
They suggested they go and help Pa move/lift heavy things.
Also that they could move in and rent the property.
Pa said well, yes, that was a possibility!
Another Huh! moment for me as I thought it was pretty set that Absent-Minded Prof and Moneypenny were going to rent it.
All of a sudden things change.
I sent a text to Absent-minded Prof to ask him to call me today if he got a chance.
He called almost immediately and I let him know of the change.
As the youngsters would say......Awwwkwaaard!
I suggested he leave off telling Moneypenny until he got home from work.
After all she has only 6-7 wks to go with her pregnancy.
So the decision was made that I would take Pa over to his house.
Frosty, Jester and Globug would go over to help.
Oh and Globug has a new name.....Mr Magoo. He is now 4 months old.
Brains and Locket went as well.
I saw them in and showed Jester around the house as he'd only been in once very briefly.
Then I left them to it as I was going to meet a friend for a catch up/coffee.
Vi and I have been friends since primary school.
We've known each other since we were 5 yrs old.
Both being busy people it's hard to find time to catch up sometimes.
Vi works full time so her days are busy too.
It didn't take me long to drive from Wadestown to Newlands where Vi lives.
We had a grand old chinwag.
As I'd arrived later than I'd expected I stayed till it was time to pick up Pa.
A couple of hours. And I'm sure we could have filled a couple more!
Then it was back to Wadestown to pick Pa up and take him to visit Ma.
I then went home and had a short time to fill before I took Brains and Locket to the dance studio.
Today they need to be there at 3.30pm.
So out to Tawa, drop off and return via the Countdown in Tawa as I needed to pick up a few groceries.
Just enough time to run in and get those things before picking Pa up from his visit with Ma.
Home again, home again jiggerty jig!
I was looking after Mr Magoo from 4.30pm.
Frosty had cooked us some dinner even though her and Jester were going to friends that night.
Jester had got the fire going which was great.
The days have warmed up and when the sun streams in the windows we often don't need the fire going during the day.
Evenings are a different matter as it cools down quite a lot.
A lot of folk may not light one but I feel the cold and prefer to be warm :)
So it was play time with Mr Magoo.
The weather was pretty wet, low misty rain and windy.
Brains and Locket needed to be picked up at 6.30pm.
Thankfully Boar arrived home just in time to go and get them.
That way I didn't need to take Mr Magoo out in the yuck weather.
I popped him in the front pack while I finished getting the dinner ready.
He seemed to like seeing what was going on.
Mr Magoo wasn't quite so impressed to be in the Jolly Jumper while we ate dinner.
No, that's not Mr Magoo but a promo shot.
Vidot is the other one.
While talking with Sheri I discovered that some books I really wanted had gone.
Pa had said Sheri could take them and sell them on Trademe.
They're only books....but they were one's Ma had collected and I had as well.
The understanding I had with Ma was that when she no longer wanted them I could have them.
Add to my collection of Chalet School books.
After the phone call I decided to tuck up in bed.
I continued reading Jane and the Chalet School
It is one I haven't read before and I'm really enjoying it.
After reading it was sleep....blessed sleep!
Find the phone screen a bit small...making my eyes tired!
It's now Thursday 26.
Pa's computer has just returned so I'll add a bit to this before I'm no doubt interrupted again.
So to remember what happened yesterday!
After checking emails etc I decided to make some porridge for my breakfast.
I prefer the oats finer so put them through the food processor before I cook them. I do a few cups at a time and store them in my fancy (not!) storage jars. Old peanut butter jars I saved years ago when we were first married. They've served me well :)
Duty calls!
Pa is still sorting through things from his old home. 57yrs worth of things.
Quite a lot of paperwork which he has burnt.
But many other things too.
Family are able to request items they would like to have.
My brother, Vidot, is coming down this weekend to take the kitchen table & chairs, fridge/freezer, chest freezer and a small sofa and seat that are a set.
That has all been arranged so all good.
While I was stirring my porridge Pa commented that since Vidot was down taking those things he could also take anything else that wasn't wanted/hadn't been claimed!
Huh?! was my reaction. Why?
Pa said obviously no-one wanted anything as they hadn't been to take things!
I pointed out that last year all had agreed that I would catalogue things and let people know what is there.......when Pa was ready for that to happen.
As he was still living there he needed some things:- bed, table & chairs etc!
He has still been sorting before he had the strokes and major operation.
For a while he wasn't well enough as he was recuperating.
Then Callista had her Aortic Dissection and her and her family were recovering there.
Since they moved back just a couple of weeks ago Pa has been sorting paperwork.
Despite me asking he hasn't seemed to want any help.
I mentioned that I don't have the ability to mind read.
There didn't seem to be a great rush.
All of a sudden, this morning, that seemed to have changed!
Whilst this discussion was happening I could hear Frosty and Jester quietly talking.
They suggested they go and help Pa move/lift heavy things.
Also that they could move in and rent the property.
Pa said well, yes, that was a possibility!
Another Huh! moment for me as I thought it was pretty set that Absent-Minded Prof and Moneypenny were going to rent it.
All of a sudden things change.
I sent a text to Absent-minded Prof to ask him to call me today if he got a chance.
He called almost immediately and I let him know of the change.
As the youngsters would say......Awwwkwaaard!
I suggested he leave off telling Moneypenny until he got home from work.
After all she has only 6-7 wks to go with her pregnancy.
So the decision was made that I would take Pa over to his house.
Frosty, Jester and Globug would go over to help.
Oh and Globug has a new name.....Mr Magoo. He is now 4 months old.
Brains and Locket went as well.
I saw them in and showed Jester around the house as he'd only been in once very briefly.
Then I left them to it as I was going to meet a friend for a catch up/coffee.
Vi and I have been friends since primary school.
We've known each other since we were 5 yrs old.
Both being busy people it's hard to find time to catch up sometimes.
Vi works full time so her days are busy too.
It didn't take me long to drive from Wadestown to Newlands where Vi lives.
We had a grand old chinwag.
As I'd arrived later than I'd expected I stayed till it was time to pick up Pa.
A couple of hours. And I'm sure we could have filled a couple more!
Then it was back to Wadestown to pick Pa up and take him to visit Ma.
I then went home and had a short time to fill before I took Brains and Locket to the dance studio.
Today they need to be there at 3.30pm.
So out to Tawa, drop off and return via the Countdown in Tawa as I needed to pick up a few groceries.
Just enough time to run in and get those things before picking Pa up from his visit with Ma.
Home again, home again jiggerty jig!
I was looking after Mr Magoo from 4.30pm.
Frosty had cooked us some dinner even though her and Jester were going to friends that night.
Jester had got the fire going which was great.
The days have warmed up and when the sun streams in the windows we often don't need the fire going during the day.
Evenings are a different matter as it cools down quite a lot.
A lot of folk may not light one but I feel the cold and prefer to be warm :)
So it was play time with Mr Magoo.
The weather was pretty wet, low misty rain and windy.
Brains and Locket needed to be picked up at 6.30pm.
Thankfully Boar arrived home just in time to go and get them.
That way I didn't need to take Mr Magoo out in the yuck weather.
I popped him in the front pack while I finished getting the dinner ready.
He seemed to like seeing what was going on.
Mr Magoo wasn't quite so impressed to be in the Jolly Jumper while we ate dinner.
No, that's not Mr Magoo but a promo shot.
When Boar had finished his dinner he got Mr Magoo out and played with him.
I finished scoffing my dinner.
Then it was bath time for Mr Magoo, followed by his bottle and bed.
He settled really well and was asleep soon after 8pm.
I had hoped to continue adding book titles from Pa's place to a catalogue I'm creating.
I'll keep the ones I want, let everyone know the titles that are there and then list the rest on Trademe.
If they go they go.
If not I'll earmark them for the big book sale in May next year.
Moneypenny text to say she'd heard about the change of plans and understood the reasons why.
I was glad she didn't seem to be upset.
I called sis Sheri up to update her with what was happening, Pa's fall and also to find out her thoughts on the prospect of Frosty, Jester and Mr Magoo renting the property.
Ma had put it succinctly to Pa.
She was happy so long as it was a properly drawn up contract and the rent got paid!
No flies on Ma even though there are many things she doesn't remember!
Pa had wanted Sheri consulted as she is one of the EPOA's for Ma & Pa.Vidot is the other one.
While talking with Sheri I discovered that some books I really wanted had gone.
Pa had said Sheri could take them and sell them on Trademe.
They're only books....but they were one's Ma had collected and I had as well.
The understanding I had with Ma was that when she no longer wanted them I could have them.
Add to my collection of Chalet School books.
After the phone call I decided to tuck up in bed.
I continued reading Jane and the Chalet School
It is one I haven't read before and I'm really enjoying it.
These are re-prints of the original versions and I began collecting them a couple of years ago.
I never knew until I was reading about them that the copies I read growing up and own, published by Armada, have cuts in them....i.e. chunks missing. In some cases whole chapters.
Occaisionally I had wondered if I'd missed something when reading some of them.
They didn't quite flow as I thought they would.
I've earmarked a date in October to go and meet some of the other people who enjoy reading them and meet every so often.
After reading it was sleep....blessed sleep!
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